
Welcome to With Lex! I document my adventures in life, style, and food. Hope you follow along! xoxo

Oktoberfest x2

Oktoberfest x2

The one thing that I look forward to at the end of the summer is Oktoberfest. This year I was lucky enough to be able to attend two different events one weekend after the next! 

First up has been a favorite of mine since college, the annual Oktoberfest at the Arion Singing Society. This was the first year that I've been able to attend since 2014; the event is always held on Labor Day weekend, the last two years I've had weddings and haven't been able to attend. Unfortunately the weather the day of the event was absolutely awful; mid 50s, wind, rain, and overall just gross. I geared up with two jackets, a scarf and rainboots ready to take on the afternoon - I wasn't going to let the weather hold me back from having fun! I ate all of the potato pancakes and drank all of the imported beers & Barenjager, it was heaven!

Fast forward to the next weekend, I went to a second Oktoberfest at Two Roads where it was in the upper 90s! The 40 degree jump within a seven day period was a shock to the system to say the least! My friends were really good sports for sticking it out at the event; one of which doesn't even drink beer. I had a yummy grilled cheese (add tomato & balsamic reduction, trust me) from Caseus followed by several steins of beer. Weather aside, it was a really great time! I'm definitely looking forward to next year! 

xoxo, me

The Big E

The Big E

Mermaid Vibes

Mermaid Vibes