
Welcome to With Lex! I document my adventures in life, style, and food. Hope you follow along! xoxo

Zombie Frappuccino

Zombie Frappuccino

As you could have guessed by now, there are a few things in life that really get me fired up; limited edition foods and Starbucks. The Zombie Frappuccino was no exception to this. When I saw on social media that there was going to be a limited edition frappuccino released around Halloween time, I knew I had to get my cold dead hands on one immediately.

First let’s talk about the overall look of the drink. Starbucks really nailed the aesthetic; zombie green topped with pink brains (or whip cream, whatever) and crimson blood dripping down the sides of the cup – it was literally to die for! As for the taste, it was pretty good! It tasted like a very sweet, but toned down caramel apple. Similar to the Unicorn Frappuccino, there was no way that I was going to be able to drink the entire concoction. I’m more of a savory gal and these sweet treats are a little too sweet for me!

I wanted to do something festive, maybe even a bit spooky, for the photos. The idea was tossed around to airbrush my hands into zombie hands (thanks Adam!); throw in a creepy background at a local haunted house and suddenly a star was born!

Major key alert: If you live in the greater Danbury, CT area, the New Fairfield Starbucks is the best location to get any type of limited release item. They’re generally less busy than the four (soon to be five!) in Danbury and so happy to help you!

xoxo, me

Handmaid's Halloween

Handmaid's Halloween

