All tagged Autumn 2017

Handmaid's Halloween

Some years I struggle a bit to come up with a fun, unique Halloween costume that I love, but this year that wasn't the case! I've been making pop culture themed costumes for the last few years and I wanted to continue the trend this year. My friend Amanda and I instantly knew we wanted to be Handmaids for Halloween after the first season of The Handmaid's Tale wrapped. We quickly got to work drafting our ideas. 

Zombie Frappuccino

As you could have guessed by now, there are a few things in life that really get me fired up; limited edition foods and Starbucks. The Zombie Frappuccino was no exception to this. When I saw on social media that there was going to be a limited edition frappuccino released around Halloween time, I knew I had to get my cold dead hands on one immediately.


This autumn my friends and I planned a trip down to Florida to visit Disney and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter to celebrate a handful of birthdays! This vacation was special because it brought together friends from Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, and Montana for a few days of sun, swim and (sweating at) theme parks. 

Angry Orchard & Lyman Orchard

As soon is autumn rolled in, a few of my friends invited me to tag along with them on an afternoon trip to Angry Orchard. I'm not really a fan of alcoholic cider, but I figured that I would go check it out for the fun of it; I definitely made the right call!